Frankly Asked Questions

This page title bugs me. It’s “Frequently” not ‘Frankly”.  
Hey I’m having fun here. Who wants to read a boring old hum-drum FAQ page?

How do I know you’re a real person?
Google me, check out my linkedin profile – OR better yet let’s hop on a quick video call and you can see for yourself. Schedule a call here.

Okay, you’re a real person. So are you like a freelancer or a big agency?
I’m a blend of both – primarily I work as a consultant to help you with your projects. At times I do bring in sub contractors to help with bigger projects and/or tight deadlines.

What is your process?
Super easy, first we schedule a discovery call to help understand your unique business and needs. Next, I develop a proposal with recommendations and cost outlines. From there, you decide which options you’d like – and finally, I get to work on your project.

I like what I see – how do I get a quote?
No one likes loose socks – let’s chat briefly to see if we’re a good fit for each other. I’ll then put together a plan for you and you can decide where to take it from there.

Are you expensive?
My rates are not expensive but they are affordable. However, everything is relative. Best thing to do is set up call so we can talk about your needs and I can get you a proposal with some cost options.

Your reviews seem kinda fake.
Ok that’s not a question, but I guarantee they’re all 100% real testimonials from 100% real clients. See for yourself – feel free to reach out to any of them if you’d like.

So I read somewhere that you’re from Flint, the water is bad there, eh? 
Yes, I was born and raised in Flint, Michigan. But, this question is getting a little off track.

But I saw the dirty water coming out of the faucets on the news, tell me…..did you drink the water?  
The news only showed the worst cases. Yes, my family and I did drink the water until we were notified that there was a problem. At that point, we decided it was best to move out of the city. Can we please get back to normal FAQ questions?

Just one one more thing – I heard the crime in Flint was super bad, is that true?
The short answer is yes. The long answer is that there are places in Flint you just don’t go into a.) on foot, or b.) at night. On the other hand there are some great neighborhoods in Flint that I feel safe walking through, even at 3am.

I don’t really know what I need.

Hey that’s totally fine – and very common. Let’s talk soon and I can help walk you through some options and get you a written proposal.

How long does it take for you to design a logo?
As long as you’d like. My logo design package includes unlimited revisions for one flat price. So more revisions will take longer to complete. For initial logo designs it takes about a week, and revisions are typically done in 2-3 days.

Get Your Project Started Today:

1. Connect

Click here now to schedule a one-on-one Discovery Call - it's easy! Just pick an available time that works for you.

2. Discovery Call

For our call, I’m all ears. Tell me everything you need, ask me anything, and we can get to know each other a bit.

3. Get a Plan

I'll create a detailed strategy plan with various cost options and project details that will help you reach your goals and launch your project.